Benefits Of Mulch
Urban Life
Urban Life

Think about our urban and suburban lives. Poor soil; unnatural fluctuations in heat and moisture; we rake up our leaves and cover the soil with concrete.

Happy Roots
Happy Roots

Think about trees in their natural forest environment. The soil has a blanket of leaves and other organic stuff, which is decomposing, providing the soil with a constant source of nutrients.

Improve Your Soil
Improve Your Soil

Mulch actually improves the soil! As mulch decomposes it adds humus and micro-nutrients to the soil. Additionally, studies have shown that the tree roots below mulch tend to have very high mycorrhiza colonies.

Healthy Landscape
Healthy Landscape

Mulch encourages the presence of earthworms which improve soil structure and add nutrients. But possibly the best reason for mulching your landscape beds is it looks terrific!

Should I Mulch in Spring, Fall or Before Winter?

Should I Mulch in Spring, Fall or Before Winter?

Most homeowners have heard about the benefits of mulch. However, some people are not sure what time of the year is the best to lay mulch. At Wholesale Wood Products, we provide high quality bulk mulch and compost to customers in the metro Atlanta area. Our team understands the importance of mulching, and we want to share some information that can help you determine whether to mulch in the spring, fall, or winter season.

Benefits of Mulching in the Spring

Spring mulching can be very beneficial for gardeners and landscape professionals; mulch provides a clean look for new blossoms and vegetable seedlings. Mulching in the spring also helps suppress new weed growth and prevents weeds from taking over your lawn. Just be careful not to lay your mulch down too early. In some situations, mulching during late winter or early spring can trap frost and maintain cool temperatures near the surface of soil. For some plants, this can further delay initial development. Mulching at the right time will refresh your garden and provide the nutrients it needs for optimal plant and tree growth.

Reasons to Use Mulch in the Fall

If you are adding mulch primarily for soil improvements, then mulching in the fall is an excellent idea. As the wood mulch breaks down over the fall and winter seasons, it provides additional nutrients for tree and plant roots during the early spring. With the varying temperatures in the Atlanta area this winter, laying mulch in the fall helps insulate tender plants from the first few weeks of freezing temperatures in the winter.

Why Some Property Owners Choose to Mulch in the Winter

Many homeowners choose to plant evergreens to ensure that their property remains lush during the height of winter. Mulching your evergreen bushes and trees helps retain moisture, which prevents them from turning brown due to dry weather. Perennial lovers may also choose to mulch over the winter. Fluctuations in temperatures can force soil to contract and expand, which might push the small roots of your favorite flowers out of their cozy home. A layer of wood mulch protects their space and defends their roots against the icy weather.

Why You Should Buy Bulk Mulch from the Experts at Wholesale Wood Products

Purchasing overpriced bags of mulch from your local hardware store is not the best option. The cost of this mulch is not only expensive; there is also no way of knowing how long the mulch was left in the warehouse or whether it was exposed to pesticides and other chemicals. Buying in bulk means that you will receive the highest quality product for an unbeatable price. Whether you need mulch for your backyard playground or for your decorative flower bed, our team will be happy to provide for your unique needs. We have natural, black, and brown mulch available today.

Are You Looking for Bulk Mulch in Atlanta, GA? Call Wholesale Wood Products

Do you need bulk mulch or compost in the metro Atlanta area? Then call Wholesale Wood Products today. Our locally sourced wood mulch is all natural and nutrient dense. Contact our office to learn the wide range of benefits that mulch has to offer or to schedule a convenient time for bulk mulch delivery to your home or business. We would be honored to serve you.